Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The quest for entertainment

In my neverending journey to conquer the realm of videogames, i have recently taken to buying used games and selling my old ones. While there are many websites that cater to this target market, i feel that the salvation of gaming still lies in good old fashioned game stores. Big chains like wal-mart are excluded from this of course, and stores like gamestop are key examples of what im talking about. They provide used games at discount prices and even take your old games to use as credit towards new purchases. They offer big discounts if you put old games towards approaching release titles, and give you stacking bonuses the more you trade in. I have recently started visiting my local gamestop more than i used to, and gotten to know the people who work there fairly well. The level of service you get from people who understand the games and share your passion is something you cant get from an online store, and its a factor that i will always include in my purchases. Gaming is meant to be a group effort! It isnt about sitting in your room by yourself, its about passing that controller to your buddy when you die. Teaming up to conquer unstoppable evils. Facing off in epic battle! The more the merrier.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Long Time no Blog

Well summer has finally come and gone for all you school going kids, myself included, and its back to the tedius grind of class after class after class. I suppose I have it easier then most what with being in a more open ended field. Video and Audio are fun considerations for a career choice, but i would recommend that nobody else ever join these degrees ever so that i may continue to entertain dreams of one day getting HIRED in this rapidly filling field.
Ya Dig?