Thursday, March 26, 2009

The General part 2

But the men stood fast with their guns on their shoulders, not knowing what to do with these contradicting orders, the general said he would do his own duty but he would extend it no further, the men could go as they pleased.  But not a man moved, their eyes gazed straight ahead till one by one they stepped back and not a word was said.  The old general was left with his own words, echoing in his head.  He then prepared to fight.  He said...
I have seen the others, and i have discovered, that this fight is not worth fighting.  And i've seen their mothers, and i will no other, to follow me where im going.  So take a shower and shine your shoes, you've got no time to lose, you are young men you must be living.  Go now you are forgiven.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The General part 1

There was a decorated general with a heart of gold, that likened him to all the stories he told, of past battles won and lost and legends of old, a seasoned veteran in his own time.  On the battlefield he gained respectful fame, with many medals of bravery and fights to his name, he grew a beard as soon as he could to cover the scars on his face, and always urged his men on.  But on the eve of a great battle with the infantry in dream the old general tossed in his sleep and wrestled with its meaning.  He awoke from that night just to tell what he had seen, and walked slowly out of his tent.  All the men held tall with their chests in the air, with courage in their blood and fire in their stares.  It was a grey morning and they all wondered how they would fair, until the old general told them to go home.  He said...
I have seen the others, and i have discovered, that this fight is not worth fighting.  And i've seen their mothers, and i will no other, to follow me where im going.  So take a shower and shine your shoes, you've got no time to lose, you are young men you must be living.  Go now, you are forgiven.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Movie Shoot

Yesterday my brother recruited me to go help him with a movie shoot he was working on. It wasnt going to be a lot of work, but I decided that getting to see how a set works would be pretty interesting. We drove out to an old abandoned stripped down house where the shot was going to take place. We then spent about 2 hours setting up the one room we would be using that day. After that the actors arrived and I was ushered out of the room for the next hour, left with naught to do but twiddle my thumbs. After a short while the director came out and told me I would need to stop traffic when they shot, as the mics were very sensitive and picked up the sound of cars driving by. He then handed me a vest and two traffic cones and sent me on my way. For the next half hour, every time the director yelled "Stand by" that was my cue to sprint into the middle of the road, slam the cones down, and try to keep people from honking their horns, swearing loudly, or trying to run me over. It was, all in all, a very entertaining time. I got to spend a good while helping out with lighting, getting random stage effects such as rain prepped, and trying to fix continuety issues between shots. This was a very interesting expedition, and i would love to try it again sometime.

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Game Day!

Today, friday the 13th (ooh scary), Resident Evil 5 finally hits storefronts. RE5 is a shooter/horror videogame for the xbox 360 and playstation 3, and it is going to be fantastic. I feel as if my homework productivity will decrease significantly until the game has been conquered beneath my thumbs of fury. Resident Evil is a long running game series, and has steadily increased the quality of their games with each main installment. As it has gone so far, they are only going to improve their formula as they go along. One of the new features to this iteration is the introduction of Co-operative gameplay. For the first time you will be able to take one of your friends into the game with you to face the hordes of infected zombie monsters.

All is not well in the world of RE5 though, for a large amount of controversy surrounds the game. The game is set in africa, which means that all of the zombies you fight are africans. It also doesnt help that the main character is a white male. As you can probably guess, this has aroused a little unrest amongst a lot of people. However, no problems arised in the series 4th edition of the game which took place in Europe where the white male main character destroyed wave after wave of hispanic zombies. The series has never set a precedent for racism in any form before, but it doesnt seem fair that locations are off limits completely just because of the people who live there. To do it any other way would just be unrealistic. Nobody would believe that there is a city of 2000 white zombies in the heart of africa. Just not gonna happen. One of the main keys to making a game like this good is to engage the player in the story, and that means making the story stand up to scrutiny.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

You are here ----------> <('_'<)

I realized recently that most of the music I listen to now is unacceptable for anybody who is not in my age group. My younger cousins would be horribly corrupted simply because most songs seem to incorporate profanity into their songs with reckless abandon. The same reason also applies to my parents, as they cannot seem to accept profanity in their entertainment mediums either. Granted, there are still several bands that are acceptable for family listening. I am just concerned with the growing trend of desensitizing profanity in our music. It seems that we are more concerned with being edgy then maintaining any level of integrity in our music.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I like killing time

I watched all the extended editions of Lord of the Rings over spring break.  It took over 12 hours to do, but it was totally worth it.  Movies that good are one of the reasons i got into broadcasting, to think that all it took was one mans ambition to start the train that created these masterpieces.  One day I hope to make something so great that people feel compelled to watch them for the trilling story.