Friday, March 13, 2009

New Game Day!

Today, friday the 13th (ooh scary), Resident Evil 5 finally hits storefronts. RE5 is a shooter/horror videogame for the xbox 360 and playstation 3, and it is going to be fantastic. I feel as if my homework productivity will decrease significantly until the game has been conquered beneath my thumbs of fury. Resident Evil is a long running game series, and has steadily increased the quality of their games with each main installment. As it has gone so far, they are only going to improve their formula as they go along. One of the new features to this iteration is the introduction of Co-operative gameplay. For the first time you will be able to take one of your friends into the game with you to face the hordes of infected zombie monsters.

All is not well in the world of RE5 though, for a large amount of controversy surrounds the game. The game is set in africa, which means that all of the zombies you fight are africans. It also doesnt help that the main character is a white male. As you can probably guess, this has aroused a little unrest amongst a lot of people. However, no problems arised in the series 4th edition of the game which took place in Europe where the white male main character destroyed wave after wave of hispanic zombies. The series has never set a precedent for racism in any form before, but it doesnt seem fair that locations are off limits completely just because of the people who live there. To do it any other way would just be unrealistic. Nobody would believe that there is a city of 2000 white zombies in the heart of africa. Just not gonna happen. One of the main keys to making a game like this good is to engage the player in the story, and that means making the story stand up to scrutiny.

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