Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life would be better...

If technology didnt exist and I could make my living as a sell-sword.  I would be the greatest mercenary in the land, renowned for my skill with a blade, and all would fall before its anonymous fury.  Or perhaps the life of a wandering rogue would be more fitting to my style, unseen at all times and taking what I please without anybody even knowing of my presence.  But Rogue is just 1 step away from Assassin, and i don't think that would be very enjoyable career choice.  Hell, if we are banishing technology we might as well bring back magic.  That would be pretty cool, but its almost an unwritten rule that once you get powerful enough at magic you gotta get yourself a town. Or at least a tower to cast your spells from.  Then again, nothing screams "obey me" like a fireball hurtling towards you vassals from the top of a tower constructed entirely out of laffy taffy (you're a wizard, you can make the tower).  Maybe i would turn to the ways of the ranger and forsake towns almost altogether.  I would live out in the wilds and become a master marksman with my bow, defending my terrain valiantly against my chosen enemy, which would probably be emo kids.  Im pretty sure its not a crime to kill them anyways, because they recently said that stealing a pair of your sisters jeans is punishable by the death sentence anyways.  I wish my lawn were emo, so it would cut itself.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Books and Time Travel

I was going to bed last night around midnight, and I decided to read a few pages in my book. I acquired this book from my friend and it is a very interesting read, but anyways...
I started reading around midnight, and what seemed to be a short time later I happened to glance over at my clock. It read 3:00 am. Surprised, I turned to my cell phone only to have my fears confirmed. It was actually 3:00 am, and i had finished my book. I had also unintentionally discovered what appears to be a rift in time, because their was obviously a very strong spell inscribed secretly in that book that teleported me forward several hours. It seems to be the only explanation for what happened, unless the book was actually good enough to enthrall me for so long. Thinking about it, that seems to be very likely.
I guess that means books are fun, right?

Pick up a book.


the internet doesnt count.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I wish I had gotten to ride on the Magic Schoolbus just once...

Imagine how much more interesting school would have been if you knew that there was a magical schoolbus that took you on learning missions. It could shrink or grow on command, travel through time, and change its freaking shape. I dont know about you, but that would have made dinosaur week waaaaaay cooler. "What did you do today Brent?". "Not much mom, i just rode on the back of a raptor while it hunted down other, weaker dinosaurs."

Yeah, thats what im talking about.

Monday, February 16, 2009

sometimes you need to do your homework

I discovered something very important this weekend. No matter what you may be preoccupied with, you still should probably do your homework. Ive been getting into a lot of trouble recently by not doing what i am supposed to, and that is something i should probably work to correct quickly. My teacher (who is awesome, please dont fail me) has been fairly lenient with my ineptitude so far, but i have a feeling that he will only put up with so much before he just removes my head from its shoulders and mounts it on a wall in his household above his fireplace. and the last thing i want to be is a trophy. I continually find myself removed from my surroundings, but that may just be caused by my addiction to videogames and all forms of digital media and entertainment. I mean, how am i supposed to focus on homework and due dates when i have a virtual zombie apocalypyse on my xbox that can only be fixed by my iron hand and lead bullets. Furthermore, BOOM, HEADSHOT!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Rep Yourself for once

Do whatever you want, whenever you want. Just make sure you do it for yourself.