Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life would be better...

If technology didnt exist and I could make my living as a sell-sword.  I would be the greatest mercenary in the land, renowned for my skill with a blade, and all would fall before its anonymous fury.  Or perhaps the life of a wandering rogue would be more fitting to my style, unseen at all times and taking what I please without anybody even knowing of my presence.  But Rogue is just 1 step away from Assassin, and i don't think that would be very enjoyable career choice.  Hell, if we are banishing technology we might as well bring back magic.  That would be pretty cool, but its almost an unwritten rule that once you get powerful enough at magic you gotta get yourself a town. Or at least a tower to cast your spells from.  Then again, nothing screams "obey me" like a fireball hurtling towards you vassals from the top of a tower constructed entirely out of laffy taffy (you're a wizard, you can make the tower).  Maybe i would turn to the ways of the ranger and forsake towns almost altogether.  I would live out in the wilds and become a master marksman with my bow, defending my terrain valiantly against my chosen enemy, which would probably be emo kids.  Im pretty sure its not a crime to kill them anyways, because they recently said that stealing a pair of your sisters jeans is punishable by the death sentence anyways.  I wish my lawn were emo, so it would cut itself.

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